For several years, parents in the West Valley have been concerned about Bloom365’s presence in their schools. The organization promotes “Healthy Relationships” and teaches youth how to avoid dating violence. Those words sound good except “healthy relationships” is a red flag meaning buried somewhere in the curriculum there will be lessons or discussions about sex or social emotional learning, whether or not parents are aware.
The creators at Bloom365 are very careful how they market their agenda. Nothing online indicates anything other than preventing dating violence and feel-good sayings. Now that parents are more aware of the war on their children, the name Bloom365 is much more palatable than the terms “Planned Parenthood” and “GLSEN”. But the truth came out in a help wanted post.

There are various ways Bloom365 is made available to kids. One of the ways Bloom accesses students is the curriculum is immersed in physical education classes. Mom and Dad, when you think your child is working out and learning a sport, they may be learning a sexual agenda. Students have reported feeling marginalized if they do not fall in lock-step with the organizers’ political and social beliefs. Some of the boys feel the curriculum is negative towards males.

In addition to schools, Bloom365 is solicited to local municipalities and libraries. The city of Chandler hosted Bloom365 in September of 2021, along with GLSEN. Here is an overview sent to us. We highlighted a few items where the moderator suggested teaching an agenda dismissive of parents.

Below is a video from one of Bloom365’s public pages . We edited it down a bit to show a couple items. Notice the pronouns in the last scene.
In July of this year, Bloom365 got an opportunity through the City of Tempe to use the public library for a multi-afternoon event. No parents were present and those in charge appeared to be quite young.

The Phoenix Library system hosted Bloom365 in October.

“BringLove365” is a curriculum of Bloom. BringLove365 Curricula | bloom365
No worries Paradise Valley Unified Schools, you’ve got Bloom365, also!

Note the reference to federal funds. We will get back to that. Of course, the funds were approved by the Paradise Valley Governing Board.

Did the governing board research what the Youth Development Programs are? In Peoria Unified Schools, Bloom365 has been in the district since 2018-19. Earlier this year, parents addressed the governing board with concerns about Bloom365, but the board has not acknowledged the situation since.
During June of 2022, Bloom365 held an event at a location in Tempe. Notice the request for pronouns on the registration.

Now for the big picture. Here is a link on Bloom365’s website describing a curriculum–the same curriculum used in the Phoenix Public Library event. In the screenshot below we highlighted a hyperlink.

The highlighted link takes the reader here, to the Centers for Disease Control. Where have we seen this before? Back in April, we wrote about the CDC’s ties to gender education, among other things.
One Targeted Legislative District in Arizona and the Role of the Globalists
Scroll down on the link to the CDC National Health Standards and there it is:

Whole or Community Schools allow the government to completely take over the raising of your children. As usual, the program sounds good, offering medical and emotional support from the time the child is dropped off at school in the morning until 6PM. While parents are busy working to pay taxes to all the governments, those governments will determine whether the child gets vaccinations, medications, birth control (likely supplied by Planned Parenthood, so that means abortion), and transgender therapy. If you think this isn’t possible, it’s already happening in red states like Ohio and Georgia. It is quietly pushed through the legislature under the guise of mental health, just what Bloom365 discusses.

Community Involvement? That sounds perfect for organizations like Bloom365 and Planned Parenthood.

We know Republicans in the Arizona Legislature will be courted by Whole/Community School pimps. And we know the new Arizona governor who never met an abortion she didn’t like will sign any Whole/Community School bill that lands on her desk. She was a social worker don’t cha know and she depended heavily on Planned Parenthood and its luciferian ties to campaign for her since she didn’t bother. This next legislative session will again show us which Republicans are Democrats and which Republicans are the real protectors of Arizona’s children.