This November could be the last hurrah for the Republican Party. As the Constitution is nullified by a virus, too many in the Party think the reelection of President Trump will cure all that ails the country, including looting, lockdowns,
Read moreKyrene Schools
Don’t California Our Arizona? It’s Too Late
Californians are continuing to flock to Arizona. Most from California are happy to be able to afford a middle-class home in a safe neighborhood without breaking the bank. Others are simply fed up with the decline in what was once
Read morePlanned Parenthood and Anti-School Choice People are the Same Team
Now that parents are finally attending school board meetings and speaking during public comment, many times against Planned Parenthood and other divisive curriculum, the rants on social media soon folllow. How dare those parents ask to see sex ed materials.
Read moreWe are Seeking Help from Arizona LD18’s Mitzi Epstein
Thank you to LD18’s Representative Mitzi Epstein for reading our post and responding to it. Representative Epstein appears to be distancing herself from the porn issue we reported and that is good. On the positive side, together we can work
Read moreKyrene Schools Offer Porn Through On-Line Data Base
Recently it has come to light that Kyrene School District, located in the East Valley of Maricopa County, was carrying the book “It’s Perfectly Normal” in two of its school libraries. Parents contacted the district and were told it was
Read moreKyrene School District’s Fall From Grace
For decades, those living in the Southeast Valley outside of Phoenix have often heard their friends and family chose their home based on it being located in the Kyrene School District boundaries. For the most part, the area encompasses well-educated
Read moreKyrene Schools Hire Pro-Planned Parenthood Sunnyside Superintendent
This is an alert to parents and taxpayers living in the Kyrene School District in Arizona. The Board has hired Dr. Jan Vesely from pro-Planned Parenthood Sunnyside School District in Tucson as superintendent. Vicki Hadd-Wissler must be licking her chops. She
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