In Part One of this series, we shared some information about Tempe’s wastewater testing program and Governor Doug Ducey’s compromised role during the Covid paranoia. Now we will address the politics in the Arizona Legislature and whether or not Arizona State has a role in the Covid boondoggle.
When we talk about the globalists who are taking over the world, arranging the Great Reset, thirsting for depopulation, and whatever else they want to do, we often think they are somewhere else. Maybe they are in Europe, Washington, DC, China, anywhere but in our own backyard in the desert southwest. Think again, they are right here. As we name names, in no way are we saying any of them have the power and influence of Bill Gates, depopulation king. What we mean is there is a small number of very powerful people who control politics with money, money we can’t imagine. As long as specific individuals are selected for specific roles in government, certain globalist tasks will be fulfilled. One person may not know what the other is doing. One task may be unrelated to another. But when the entire political puzzle is put together, we have 20/20 vision.
For example, listen to Dr. Bryan Ardis at the 43:55 mark of “Watch the Water”. LIVE WORLD PREMIERE: WATCH THE WATER ( He explains the CDC’s role in the water testing. The CDC? Isn’t that the same agency which told us to wear masks, stay home, stand 6′ apart, take a vaccine (bioweapon), etc., none of which flattened the curve or prevented the disease known as Covid? Isn’t it the CDC which got a slap down by a Florida judge last week as she reminded the agency it does not make laws, therefore masks cannot be mandated on airplanes? Earlier this week, Glenn Beck produced a documentary about the sexual grooming and smut which is becoming the norm in public schools. He also referred to the CDC.

Here is a short version of Beck’s documentary. Who elected the Centers for Disease Control and why are these bureaucrats affecting every aspect of the lives of Americans right now?
Arizona is a Red state. We have written many posts about the amount of solid pro-family, pro-freedom bills which get watered down or killed by Arizona Republicans. The GOP has held a very slim majority in the Arizona Legislature the past several years. Why is it so hard for grassroots Republicans to get elected to the state legislature? How are so many radical liberals winning seats, and how are so many wishy-washy Republican incumbents able to get reelected? It is an adult version of “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” as we guess which financially-compromised Republican will side with the Democrats. We have named some of them here and here. They are funded by PACs, healthcare entities, lawyers, and lobbyists. Coincidence?
Tempe is generally divided into two legislative districts. North Tempe (currently LD26) is becoming LD8 due to redistricting and is a solid blue district. The southern half of Tempe is currently in LD18, soon to be the new LD12. In addition to the southern half of Tempe, LD12 will also encompass the area south of Tempe moving west behind South Mountain known as Ahwatukee or the Foothills. This has been labeled a swing district. Although the Democrats went on record in a Zoom meeting in 2020 saying they would not campaign in person due to Covid, and the Republican candidates hit the streets on the coattails of President Trump who was packing rallies, somehow the Democrats won all three seats in the district.
But we are told there was no problem with the 2020 election. Okay, let’s not talk about the top of the ticket. Why won’t the Arizona Legislature right here, right now, put election reform to a vote to protect at least the down ballot races?
Is Senate President Karen Fann protecting Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers? He says it himself, “I won’t take away early voting.” Speaker Bowers, your constituents will vote on Election Day if they need to. They figured out a way for most of their lives.
Smug AZ House Speaker Bowers (
“I let them pass.” No #WeThePeople for Arizona.
The above tweets and videos apply to so many bills over the years, from election integrity to parents’ rights, curriculum transparency, and eliminating sex ed for young children. Why the hesitancy if an Elected is truly a Republican and in the majority?
The current state senator in LD18/12 is empty-suit Sean Bowie (D). He doesn’t say much so he can’t be cornered with something more than a softball question. He votes how the hierarchy tells him to vote. Once in a while he may vote with the Republicans if those in control feel it will help him keep his seat. Coincidentally, Bowie works for Arizona State. He has decided not to run again. On the Republican side, there are two candidates who will be battling it out in the primary for this state senate seat. One has run before, is a solid conservative, and will have a leg up due to name recognition. That is a problem. A solid conservative will not necessarily vote with whoever is pulling the strings at the governor’s office or at Arizona State. What to do? Produce a squishy middle-of-the road nice sounding Republican who can be controlled once in office.
Abracadabra, LD18/12 has that candidate. Out of nowhere, a young man named David Richardson moved into the district and threw his hat in the race for LD12 state senate on the GOP side. He is relatively unknown; active precinct committeemen have not seen him around until now. But ASU has. He has the resume of the World Economic Forum. Glenn Beck has some information on the World Economic Forum in his documentary at the 29 minute mark.

Wow, LD12’s state senate candidate is really into Covid testing. Sound familiar Governor Ducey, Arizona State, and U of A? How will this man vote on Covid related issues if elected? He, like Governor Ducey, is making money off Covid.

But wait, there is more! Look who Mr. Richardson follows on social media, none other than Planned Parenthood Pimp and depopulation expert Melinda Gates. Are we to believe this slick imposter wasn’t plucked out of Arizona State simply to keep the Covid control and money going once in the legislature?

Arizona State’s President Dr. Michael Crow actually had a webinar on December 16, 2021 discussing Covid testing, vaccines, reopening, and other Covid “challenges”.
Streams | World Economic Forum (
We like to attach screenshots in case the link mysteriously disappears.

Dr. Robbins, President of The University of Arizona, turned the hallowed, grassy mall into a bioweapon center last year, pushing “vaccinations” through fearful communications to students, staff, and faculty.
It is only in the last two weeks his athletic director, Dave Heeke, finally stopped signing his weekly emails with “Bear Down and Mask Up”.
Up in Flagstaff there is a similar situation brewing. Drag Queen Story Hour Mayor Paul Deasey is pushing a plan to spend taxpayer dollars to test wastewater in Flagstaff schools.
This makes no sense since children have a very low risk of serious illness due to Covid. We have to give the liberals credit, they filled positions on local levels and have turned our cities upside-down. However, their overall judgement has to be questioned. If Mayor Deasey is okay with men dressing up in skirts and bras to sexualize women and treat them as a piece of meat, how can anyone be sure his wastewater testing will be done with the best intentions? See this piece in the Arizona Daily Independent which describes Mayor Deasey prioritizing Drag Queens over monsoon flooding.
We have the CDC controlling the water, wastewater testing in Tempe via ASU, and according to Dr. Ardis, possibly snake venom is being released into city water. Is that why residents who live near the Tempe water treatment facility have been smelling chlorine since last summer? In this follow-up on April 13, 2022, Stew Peters has a Q and A with Dr. Ardis. Listen at the 26:40 mark.
As we wrap up Part 2 in this series, take a look at a few of the elected leaders in both Tempe and Arizona governments and their ties to Arizona State University.
Senator Kyrsten Sinema teaches at ASU.
Tempe Councilwoman Lauren Kuby is program director for ASU’s Sustainability College.
Tempe Councilman Randy Keating is in marketing for ASU.
Tempe Mayor Corey Woods runs ASU Prep Academy.
State Senator Sean Bowie teaches at ASU.
Former state senator Heather Carter was primaried out in 2020 but she is an assistant dean at ASU (She was a liberal RINO).
Gubernatorial candidate and former Congressman Matt Salmon ran the Confucius Institute before it closed under pressure. Chinese Confucius Institutes’ Presence Alarms U.S. Representatives ( ASU has mysteriously scrubbed much of Salmon’s employment history from its website. U.S. Rep. Matt Salmon to join ASU as vice president for government affairs | ASU News We will save this Salmon as an ASU lobbyist screenshot before the link above is also scrubbed.

It is evident the powers that be, whether it is ASU’s President Michael Crow, TGen’s Doug Ducey, Bill Gates who bought 25,000 acres of land west of Phoenix, or other powerful globalists want the new Arizona Legislative District 12 senator to be financial putty in their hands.
Stay tuned for Part 3.