There was an uproar last week as parents in Flagstaff discovered the content of the district’s sex ed classes. This comes on the heels of reports of a name change clinic advertised at two Flagstaff schools. According to The Daily
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Body Bags at the Arizona Capitol–Which Legislators Will Bend?
Many of us have watched the “All in the Family Episode” in 1975 when Beverly LaSalle, a drag queen, was saved by Archie and later befriended by Edith. We mourned his death along with Edith in a later episode. Back
Read moreTransgender Material Targets Hispanics in Tucson Unified and Elsewhere
It is no secret the Hispanic culture is very pro-family and pro-life. Most are Catholic, and those who aren’t still proudly express their faith in some form of Christianity. Tucson has a high percentage of Hispanics and many speak English
Read moreBoy Scouts Ignores Science and Buckles to Pressure
One by one, conventional, time-honored organizations are falling prey to the unwritten rule they must accommodate everything except long-standing values. We have documented the decline of Girls Scouts as they embrace Planned Parenthood. At least parents of boys still had an extra-curricular option, but
Read moreAdditional Service Offered at Planned Parenthood–Child Mutilation
Everyone has a relative or friend who has dealt with cancer, an accident, or military service and has been physically altered. The news is hard to accept when a surgeon must remove a diseased organ, or a limb is lost due to war.
Read moreComing to a School Near You
The term “medically correct” touted by Planned Parenthood and its allies to promote Comprehensive Sex Ed is such a farce. It’s really tiring to hear these terms and then see what these organizations actually do. Transgender Awareness Month gives schools
Read moreClergy, We Can’t Hear You!
Unfortunately every situation in the United States and around the world is being politicized. What were once clear moral issues have become divisive political issues. It’s not that those who defend Judeo-Christian values tried to politicize issues, but instead the government meddled as
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