There was an uproar last week as parents in Flagstaff discovered the content of the district’s sex ed classes. This comes on the heels of reports of a name change clinic advertised at two Flagstaff schools. According to The Daily Signal, these flyers were posted at DeMiguel Elementary School and Flagstaff High School. Were opt-in forms signed by parents since the subject matter is sexually based?
Flagstaff Unified School District held several meetings to develop their sex ed, which some call sexual “health” so it is more palatable. It is amazing educated adults twist science and genetics like a pretzel and the masses are supposed to accept it. In the second video below at 1:20, the district’s Assistant Superintendent trips over himself to use the word “people” instead of girls when discussing who has periods. Is he married? If so, how does his wife like being watered down to a “people”?
The first video below should be an April Fool’s joke but it is not. Sydney Tolchinsky, who has a government job with Coconino County to sexually groom the children in the area, tells the group “there are boys with periods”. At 21 seconds into the video, Ms. Tolchinsky talks about the boys who have periods and girls who won’t have periods. Maybe Assistant Superintendent Huffman can share with those boys which are his favorite feminine hygiene products.
Ms. Tolchinsky is paid almost $60,000/year (again via our taxes) to lie to her colleagues and students.
How did this woman get access to Flagstaff children? Let’s take a look at where Ms. Tolchinsky started her career. In an interview four years ago with “Do Good Be Good”, she shared that she worked at Planned Parenthood for 10 years. Here is the link: Below are screenshots of several parts of the interview with commentary.
What have we been saying all along about Planned Parenthood? Of course they don’t judge those who pay them. Ms. Tolchinsky admits her main responsibility was to take the girl’s money. No need to discuss anything, no need to work through apprehension and fear. We know Planned Parenthood has plenty of judgement for those who pray on the sidewalk, prescribe abortion pill reversal, and work at crisis pregnancy centers (many offer medical services for free).
Below is classic groomer behavior. It is NOT normal to talk about sex all the time and definitely not with other people’s minor children. Ms. Tolchinsky chuckles through the conversation. Does she think her behavior is funny?
In the screenshot below, Planned Parenthood’s disdain for men comes through; imagine being a young male in Ms. Tolchinsky’s class. Ms. Tolchinsky associates men with aggression, and with negative connotations.
This former Planned Parenthood employee says men are not allowed to have feelings. That is correct in the eyes of the abortion mill. Ask any Planned Parenthood employee if the man can be in the examining or procedure room to hold their wife or girlfriend’s hand. Ask any Planned Parenthood employee if they give the father of the child any opportunity for discussion before his baby is ripped out of the mother. Watch the fathers drop their women off at Planned Parenthood or sit in the car in the parking lot because despite the man’s feelings, he is just not welcome.
The sexual grooming continues below.
Keep in mind this interview was December 11, 2019. It is no wonder Ms. Tolchinsky is comfortable saying boys with periods during the Flagstaff sex ed curriculum meeting, she’s been saying it for years. Does Coconino County know about this interview? As an employee, she is representing the county. Should we assume Coconino County also thinks boys have periods? Do county restrooms have tampons in the mens restrooms or is that something that is coming under Ms. Tolchinsky’s guidance?
Read the paragraph outlined in yellow three times fast.
Coconino’s Planned Parenthood trans sex guru even gets confused about what pronouns to use for which child. Yet we have teachers getting in trouble and fellow students sent to Inclusive Class for “misgendering” a child, even if there is no negative motive involved.
Two years ago we wrote about Panorama being used in Flagstaff Schools. It shouldn’t be a surprise administration is embracing Social Emotional Learning, the code words for separating children from parents to impose an ideology that differs from the family’s upbringing.
Panorama is commonly used across Arizona so beware of someone like Sydney Tolchinsky coming to a school near you.
Planned Parenthood is now in the gender transition business. Via schools, they have access to your children they did not abort so they can emotionally manipulate and physically mangle their sex organs. The sexual grooming going on in Flagstaff not only benefits Planned Parenthood and Big Pharma, the sex trade has an increaslingly large audience of minors who are okay with sex. And when the young girl gets pregnant after doing 10-20 tricks per day, Planned Parenthood is around the corner to rip the baby out after the guy drops her off and someone like Ms. Tolchinsky takes her money.
Keep this in mind when Planned Parenthood tells us abortion through nine months is “healthcare”.