Security cameras are everywhere these days. Big Brother is watching, but when children are concerned, we want every option possible to keep the kids safe.
There was a reported molestation incident by a bus driver employed by Olympia Schools in Washington earlier this month. While the allegation is under investigation, the district has sent an email to parents about the situation and further action that will be taken. The following is Superintendent Dick Cvitanich’s statement included in the email about camera policies on district buses moving forward:
It appears the Olympia District is doing all it can to keep the students safe while commuting on district buses. Why then was a parent threatened with law enforcement when taping a Planned Parenthood meeting inside an Olympia elementary school earlier this month? Do the children in Planned Parenthood’s care, within the boundaries of Olympia School District, garner less protection than when they get on the bus?
Does the fact Planned Parenthood (not the school) forbid the parent to tape have anything to do with this legislation in California, also forbidding anyone to tape Planned Parenthood’s actions?
If you support Planned Parenthood, do you ever wonder why the organization wants to hide its activities from the public?
Wouldn’t it be easier, and cheaper, to teach kids moral absolutes so you wouldn’t have to watch every child every second? No, because total control is what the government wants; so they encourage “moral realtivism” so they can justify totalitarianism.
There’s no money to be made in teaching morals. I’m sure even the contract for the bus cameras contains inflated camera costs. Maybe Olympia will provide their financials and prove me wrong.