Because just about every corporation, television show, and sporting event hasn’t shoved enough rainbow Pride symbols in our faces for the entire month of June, the Arizona Department of Education has developed a plan to make Pride month last not
Read moreArizona Department of Education
More of Arizona Education Chief Kathy Hoffman’s Obsessions
Material just presents itself. It really isn’t hard to understand why Arizonans and many around the country are questioning what makes Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman tick. Remember when we posted about Superintendent Hoffman being upset at some
Read moreArizona Public Schools Chief Receives National Attention (Finally)
From her first day in office, Arizonans had a pretty good idea what kind of education Superintendent Kathy Hoffman would endorse. We have written about her interests several times. Within Arizona, Superintendent Hoffman drew lots of attention to herself when
Read morePlanned Parenthood and Anti-School Choice People are the Same Team
Now that parents are finally attending school board meetings and speaking during public comment, many times against Planned Parenthood and other divisive curriculum, the rants on social media soon folllow. How dare those parents ask to see sex ed materials.
Read moreArizona State School Board Tosses LGBTQ Sex Ed Back to Legislature
In the first high-profile defeat of her short tenure as Arizona State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Kathy Hoffman declined to move forward her own amendment to open rule changes for sex ed in Arizona. Since assuming office in January, Ms.
Read moreParents Rights Will Be On Display in Arizona on June 24th, Join Us!
By now many parents across the state of Arizona are well aware the Arizona Board of Education will be addressing some rule changes for sex ed. This meeting will take place on Monday, June 24th. We have heard it starts
Read moreArizona Department of Education Silent on EBSCO Obscenities in Schools
Recently it was brought to the attention of the Arizona Department of Education that school districts in the state have partnered with EBSCO, an on-line data base students use for research. Unfortunately, kids can easily access pornographic or obscene material
Read moreArizona State Schools Website to be Cleaned Up While Schapira and Planned Parenthood Run For SPI
Recently we discovered the Arizona Department of Education website was full of pro-sex ed links, some of which lead readers directly to Planned Parenthood. On April 14, 2017 we received a letter from Diane Douglas, Superintendent of Public Instruction, confirming
Read moreArizona Department of Education Website Sends Readers to Planned Parenthood–Updated
Recently Tempe (AZ) Elementary Schools offered Human Growth and Development at various schools. The Tempe Elementary District teaches students in kindergarten-8th grade, and this district feeds into the Tempe Union High School District. Upon visiting Tempe Elementary’s website, it states they use
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