Recently Tempe (AZ) Elementary Schools offered Human Growth and Development at various schools. The Tempe Elementary District teaches students in kindergarten-8th grade, and this district feeds into the Tempe Union High School District.
Upon visiting Tempe Elementary’s website, it states they use curriculum “which adheres to the Arizona Department of Education guidelines for human growth and development education.” That sounds official, but vague, so we checked the Arizona Department of Education website to see what guidelines they have given districts in the state.
Unfortunately, Arizona’s sex ed standards are based on national and state standards. We know the national standards, SIECUS, are not age-appropriate and push a promiscuous, pro-abortion mindset. Where the rubber hits the road in Arizona it becomes even scarier. The Arizona Department of Education (ADE) lists 199 approved sex ed curriculums. 199, sex ed is quite a business! Who believes the committee who approved these really researched each one thoroughly?
Glancing quickly down ADE’s list, a few jumped off the page. Of course, Planned Parenthood’s FLASH is listed. ETR also has several entries. One of the most concerning curriculums listed is “It’s Perfectly Normal.”
Note the warning on the cover of the book–those in Minnesota are warned the book violates obscenity laws. But the book is allowed in Arizona? Governor Doug Ducey and Superintendent Diane Douglas were elected in 2014 in a Republican sweep of statewide offices. Parents may be very surprised to learn what else is lurking on the ADE website–we could write a book on the dangers. Arizona has plenty of laws to protect children and families in public schools, but the ADE website appears to ignore those statutes.
The Arizona Department of Education website contains numerous entries that send the reader to promiscuous and pro-abortion links. In fact, one entry secretly leads the reader to Planned Parenthood in Tempe.
In the list of national resources, one of the references is to, which we are led to believe is a website to discourage teen pregnancy. When visiting StayTeen, the reader will see options at the top of the page.
Since Tempe Elementary’s zip code is 85282, we searched for health centers in that area. Look at the second option listed:
The address 1250 E. Apache is the same address as the Tempe Planned Parenthood, the same Planned Parenthood that serves the Tempe Union High School District, just blocks from Arizona State University. It seems no matter how hard parents try to keep their kids away from Planned Parenthood, the government circumvents them and places the abortion mill in the kids’ laps. And the state of Arizona calls this facility a “Health” Center?
As of this writing, when the ADE link to the 1250 E. Apache address is clicked, no page loads. However, if that address is searched on the internet, here is what is displayed:
It appears to be way past time Governor Ducey, SPI Diane Douglas, and parents scour the ADE’s website and bring it in line with Arizona law.
**Update 3-27-17
We visited the Arizona Department of Education website and searched for The link no longer exists.
This is great news, one small step for children. When visiting the Sex Education Standards on the ADE website, there are still many links to comb through that are not in line with Arizona law nor appropriate for children. Hopefully somebody at the department has been tasked to turn this site into a G-rated website for families to browse.