Only Lela Alston’s Conscience is Worthy of Protection

Phoenix Union High School District (PUHSD) is likely the most corrupt school district in Arizona. The money is flowing, but not towards academics. Those on staff who care are forced into silence. Where are the parents and property owners?

Lela Alston is another power-hungry Democrat who has attained influence by both being an Arizona state senator and a governing board member of Phoenix Union.

Surprisingly, here is Joe Abate once again, donating money to one of the most liberal office holders in the state. You may remember GOP Joe, the same guy who won an award from the Maricopa County Republican Party. Click here to watch him at one of the Arizona Republican Party Mandatory Meeting several years ago. He served as the meeting’s official Parliamentarian. Very few individuals get a seat on stage at Republican Party organizational meetings and this opportunity went to a guy who supports liberal Arizona state senators.

Here is a $100 campaign donation from Joe Abate to Lela Alston’s current campaign for this year’s reelection.

Of course, there is more. Democrat Lela Alston was the recipient of $200 from Mr. Abate for her successful senate campaign in 2018.

What state legislators don’t tell us when campaigning are the bills they sponsor which are not signed into law. Often they know the bills won’t see the light of day, but regardless, the proposed legislation is indicative of causes true to their hearts. This year, Senator Lela Alston co-sponsored SB1550, which would require pharmacists to fill prescriptions for abortion pills, regardless of their personal beliefs. Does her endorsement by Arizona List have anything to do with this?

Of course Senator Martin Quezada, another double-duty Arizona state senator and Pendergast Governing Board member, also co-sponsored SB1550. Was this bill to set the table for what is to come if the Arizona legislature becomes majority Democrat in November? Will hospitals and medical providers be the next groups targeted who will not be permitted to refuse abortion “services” based on their conscience? The assaults from the powerful elitist ruling class never stop. The Planned Parenthood legislators who promote all things sex except between a husband and wife continue to pervert school children. And on our dime.

Check out this email sent to Trevor Brown High School (PUHSD) employees in February, using district personnel, computers, and classrooms.

By clicking on “Guide to Being an Ally to LGBT Students” link, a 47 page document from GLSEN loads with a smorgasbord of information for teachers to use in the classroom in lieu of academics. Page 37 offers referrals, and one is to Advocates for Youth.

Advocates for Youth is a spin off of Planned Parenthood. Do parents in Phoenix Union know to whom the “educators” are referring their children? Do the teachers know? If Phoenix Union teachers are aware of the district’s corruption they can’t say anything or they may lose their jobs.

Ironically, Phoenix Union Governing Board member Lela Alston supports LGBTQ students in following their sexual conscience, no matter the age and no matter how their parents feel. She condones at least two levels of government spending money to promote underage sex and abortion. Yet as an Arizona state legislator she does not want to allow freedom of conscience for pharmacists. Hopefully GOP Joe will no longer give any more of his money to this train wreck.

2 thoughts on “Only Lela Alston’s Conscience is Worthy of Protection

  • March 13, 2020 at 8:59 am

    In addition to being a RINO, Abate was not and is not qualified to serve as parliamentarian. Unfortunately, he was the AZGOP General Counsel at the time, and the AZGOP bylaws at that time required that the General Counsel serve as parliamentarian. The good news is that we just amended the AZGOP bylaws (January 2020) to end that requirement, so now a qualified parliamentarian can be appointed.

    Excellent research and article!

    • March 14, 2020 at 9:47 pm

      Thank you! And thanks for the Arizona GOP update.

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