Here we go again, another election year and another round of moans and groans that Arizona public schools aren’t adequately funded. In order to assure the elections go to the Democrats in November, the “educators” must once again convince voters the raises Republican Governor Doug Ducey and the Republican Legislature approved two years ago were not enough. Nothing draws sympathy more than teachers, whether or not the message is correct.
Rebecca Garelli moved to Arizona from Chicago. She is/was a teacher who tirelessly complains for more money. Why didn’t she stay in Chicago if she doesn’t like the salaries in Arizona? She’s not really here to teach, she is here to turn Arizona blue and she’s done a good job of it. This year it is more important than ever. If President Trump is reelected, he may have the opportunity to appoint another Supreme Court justice and Planned Parenthood’s playmates will go out of their minds. Time to get organized.
Voters, do not get taken by the media frenzy—-local “news” sources are in on the ploy. They simply echo the complaints of Rebecca Garelli’s cohorts and ask very few questions. For example, look at the Arizona Capitol Times, the local media publication which broke the the Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) private data breach in January. Yet they weren’t able to identify the mystery person who supplied Save our Schools Arizona with the personal data of 7,000 families. Here is what popped up this week when clicking on Arizona Capitol Times:
#InvestinEd is indeed back. However, much of the “education funding” doesn’t get into the classroom. Any teacher who questions why and what exactly are the union’s motives may get fired. Any governing board member who exposes the fraud will likely be challenged by a well-funded opponent in their next election as the Big Education network circles the wagons. In fact, word in Phoenix Union High School District (PUHSD) is Governing Board member + Union Puppet Stephanie Parra and Senator Martin Quezada are keeping a list of teachers who express different views. That is interesting since Senator Quezada complains about bullying in schools. It turns out he is the bully.
If the teachers union and administrations cared about failing schools, Adams Elementary School in Mesa would have gotten appropriate funds for much needed repairs. Instead the money was delegated for face lifts for schools in better neighborhoods. It is duly noted that Adams is in a minority area of Mesa, that’s how much the money mongers really care about the less fortunate.
Back to Phoenix Union High School District which also has a high minority enrollment, money is being spent on union work during school hours. Here are some screenshots which lay it out:
One Arizona, where have we heard that before? Phoenix Union’s governing board member Ian Danley is the director at One Arizona. He has a bit of a conflict of interest, but that never matters when liberal groups are involved with decision-making in school districts.
Kristin Roberts teaches at Carl Hayden High School in the Phoenix Union district. She is also the Union Unit Chair. Because of her union position, she has negotiated time off during contract hours to perform union business. Phoenix Union also needs extra substitutes to cover the special Diversity Camp field trips to Prescott to learn about Safe Spaces and the related stickers for the classrooms.
In addition, subs are needed to cover the classes Ms. Roberts teaches while she is politicking for more Democrat votes. Who pays for the substitute, is it the Union or the taxpayer? That is not clear at this point because of the financial web Phoenix Union weaves. The school submits an invoice to the district and the district pays the invoice. Also, Phoenix Union has used Maintenance and Operations funding to send representatives to Washington DC for training on behalf of the Arizona Education Association. Couldn’t that money go towards classrooms?
Additional money for the classroom is the front for turning Arizona blue. Once Arizona is blue, and it pretty much is, Planned Parenthood and special interest groups which want to replace parents will take over all the schools. This will be mandated by a Democrat legislature.
All the extra hullabaloo taking place in the classrooms on school time at Phoenix Union proves why current teachers comment about the students walking across the stage on graduation night being given a diploma while they can’t meet math and writing requirements. As long as these students are primed to vote for the most liberal candidates, they will continue to be held back from their potential throughout their lives and society will bear the burden.
Excellent article! You are really getting into the meat of why our government schools are the greatest threat this country has faced for at least 50 years.