More Library Dangers

No longer can we assume good intentions when the political process is at play. Simultaneously, no longer can we assume our local libraries, whether municipal or school, are safe for children. As long as adults are insistent on sexualizing other people’s children, our guard must be up at all times.

In our last post we wrote about EveryLibrary, a well-funded, out-of-state lobbying organization created to assault the innocence of children. If legislation is developed to protect children and families from obscene material in libraries, EveryLibrary is ready to pounce.

Not long ago, nice Americans, many of the Christians, accepted that gay and lesbian couples wanted to get “married”. But it was never about “marriage”, and many of these same couples didn’t even realize that. The Alphabet Lobby had much more in mind and used same-sex couples who just wanted to be left alone as pawns in the sexual perversion of children. Below is a great article written by a local resident, known on Twitter as @ALegalProcess. The other side has a great command of the English language and is able to twist and turn words and phrases to their benefit. Never let your guard down, for the children.

Drag Queen Story Hour and Library Book Adoptions (

Thanks to @ALegalProcess for catching this detail and working with the Arizona Legislature to prevent a potentially huge problem.

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