As cookie season winds down and the Girl Scouts are counting their profits, it’s time to shine a light on its evolution from a harmless entity that taught camping and hobbies to a pro-abortion, anti-family influence on young girls. Girl Scout troops are commonly organized in schools (including Catholic schools). Why not? There are plenty of young female minds along with their unassuming parents ready to dive in and unknowingly become financial resources for the feminism agenda and future customers of Planned Parenthood.
Anna Maria Chavez is the current CEO of Girl Scouts USA. She is the perfect pick. Like previous HHS chair Kathleen Sebelius, she is/was Catholic and pro-abortion organizations love to prop up “Catholics in Name Only” to campaign for abortions. The goal is to marginalize the Catholic Church and her members, the last stumbling block in abortion acceptance.
Ms. Chavez is originally from southern Arizona. No coincidence here:
The link to the above has been removed. No worries, look at who is running the Sahuaro/Southern Arizona Girl Scouts, Emily Jean Herrell, a former Planned Parenthood employee. (What is it with all these University of Arizona grads gaining employment from Planned Parenthood?)
Fortunately, Planned Parenthood of the North Country New York didn’t alter its financial report. On page 5 they refer to sex ed programs they delivered to Girl Scouts:These few items are just a teaser. Check out which gives readers a great overview of what is really going on in Girl Scouts. The writer documents her journey with Girl Scouts and why she is now sharing the truth with others.
Another resource is This website dives into specific Councils and related concerns. Here is a link to a page of concerns by clergy regarding Girl Scouts. Maybe some schools, especially Catholic schools, will rethink their connection to Girl Scouts before the next cookie season rolls around. Even non-Catholic Franklin Graham will find a better use for his money.
Thankfully there is an alternative to Girl Scouts. Research American Heritage Girls, a religious alternative to Girl Scouts. One drawback–they don’t sell #abortioncookies.
Excellent article ! ! More exposure is needed–time to go on a diet off of GS cookies.
They even sell Girl Scout Ice Cream at Fry’s, an additional temptation.