Thanks to the parents and families in Reading, Pennsylvania for pushing back on a proposed Planned Parenthood inside the district’s high school. For now, the idea is off the table. Thankfully there are vigilant community members monitoring the situation because we all know Planned Parenthood does not take NO for an answer. Abortion, Inc. is likely planning its next move.
In the meantime, there is much good happening in the city of Reading. In just a couple weeks on November 7, there is an election. Some school board members, “Directors” as they call them, will be chosen. For those of you who live in the area or know Reading voters, Noahleen Betts is a pro-life candidate.
Her presence on the school board is critical at this time since Planned Parenthood is targeting their children.
September 27th-November 5th is the 40 Days for Life Campaign. For those unfamiliar with this, it is a peaceful campaign where volunteers pray outside their local Planned Parenthood or other abortion facility. It also gives potential abortion-minded clients an alternative since most 40 Days prayer volunteers have information with them about the nearest pro-life pregnancy center. Here is a blurb from the Pro-Life Berks County newsletter:
40 Days has grown to a world-wide campaign. Reading is holding their own 40 Days for Life Campaign in front of the local Planned Parenthood. Anyone interested can volunteer here or just show up anytime.
The 40 Days for Life Campaigns are effective at deterring abortion-minded women from having an abortion. Some former abortion workers report their no-show rate increases to as much as 75% when there are prayer warriors on the sidewalk. And the increase in no-shows is no surprise when men and women religious attend.
Thanks to all the local priests and clergy who are protecting Reading’s families.
During 40 Days for Life campaigns, the abortion workers aren’t forgotten. Prayer warriors remember to pray for the abortionists and their staff that they will have a change of heart. When Abby Johnson saw the light, her first stop was to her local 40 Days for Life Campaign representatives.
Maybe someday this abortionist will find comfort with the pro-life community members in Reading.