Concerns have come to fruition about Planned Parenthood of Arizona shutting down operations in Yuma and using those resources towards “educating” our kids. Planned Parenthood’s education director, Vicki Hadd-Wissler lives in Tucson. Hopefully she has an energy efficient electric car to get around the congested streets in the Old Pueblo as she’s got quite a schedule representing the state’s largest abortion provider.
Planned Parenthood’s goal of permeating school districts is going swimmingly in Tucson. When making the decision to shut down Yuma, Planned Parenthood’s Arizona head honcho, Bryan Howard, also stressed the organization’s goal of reaching community organizations and the general public. The funny thing is the organizations they are reaching have titles that lean towards helping families and kids.
A recent post addressed the millions of dollars Obama has airmailed to Tucson to prevent teen pregnancy. And remember Child & Family Resources, Inc. and their curious programs called Guy Talk and Grrrls Project that are supposed to prevent teen pregnancy with these millions of dollars? Check out who one of Grrrls Project’s partners is. And do you think their real goal is to learn to play the guitar, juggle, and eat as shown in the video?
When Ms. Hadd-Wissler has a free moment, she also visits Pima County Parenting Coalition. She’s a member at large:
Here’s the problem, PCPC describes itself as a support network for PARENTING. How can this be? Planned Parenthood is in the business to eliminate children before they are born which eliminates the need for parents and eventually tears families apart. How can Planned Parenthood’s history mesh with PCPC’s goals?
Ms. Hadd-Wissler, if you have the urge to leave Planned Parenthood, there is hope on the outside and you can remain anonymous. Please contact when you are ready.
In the meantime, it’s not Halloween yet, but Planned Parenthood has its costumes ready for the party invites in Tucson.