Part 1, in the beginning:
This Arizona update will be different than the past. We are always trying to connect the dots and follow the money. What we are exposing today consists of many levels of many governments, and it is overwhelming to absorb. It is no accident Covid occurred in the year 2020, the number that represents clear vision. It is only since then that so many Americans have begun to recognize how evil many government officials are. This includes many elected officials, but we already knew that. Add to it the thousands and thousands of unelected bureaucrats who are the individuals actually pulling the strings in most cases. In addition, we also suffer from the unelected but way too powerful lobbyists who turn good people into their personal marionettes.
Before reading this post, we ask you to watch this documentary which was released on the Stew Peters Show on April 11, 2022 with Dr. Bryan Ardis.
Oh yes, if you do a search for this production, there will be plenty of posts calling it conspiracy, QAnon, false news, etc. If that bothers you, don’t watch it and go back to dying CNN or Big Pharma-controlled Fox News. Otherwise, give the documentary a shot, watch it a few times, and over the next couple weeks think about what you’ve been told for two years vs. what you actually witnessed. Do the research yourself.
Once again, everything we write about here is to “circle back” (there, does that make the fact-checkers feel at home?) to Planned Parenthood, LGBTQ, and the purposeful sexualization of children by adults. How does “Watch the Water” relate to our topics? Sadly, we will connect the dots because it does.
We have shouted repeatedly since 2015: NEVER elect any candidate for office who has any ties to Planned Parenthood or the abortion industry. Anyone who does not see the evil in ending a child’s life, breaking up a family, marginalizing fathers, and physically and emotionally tearing apart women all for power and money is not fit to direct the lives of anyone else.
In 2018, Planned Parenthood’s Tempe Councilwoman Lauren Kuby schemed to push a data mining program into the lives of Tempeans. Here is Kuby’s endorsement from Arizona List, which endorses pro-abortion female candidates (unless a man dresses as a woman, then he, too, will be endorsed if he supports abortion.)

Councilwoman Kuby has a day job, and that is Program Manager for Arizona State’s sustainability college.

A system was developed at Kuby’s place of work, ASU’s Sustainability College, to test wastewater of Tempeans. The reason given was to look for opioids and other drugs in the water so as to head off potential overdoses. At the time this seemed invasive but concerned citizens were told once they flushed, their waste was legally fair game.
Tempe OKs funding to monitor wastewater for opioid use | Biodesign Institute | ASU
At the time, some residents wondered if elevated results at a precise location like a business could allow for Tempe or the local health department to shut down that business. But the government can’t shut businesses down, so no worries, right? That was 2018, we now know better.

There was an unmistakable conflict of interest when Councilwoman Kuby marketed the water testing program to Tempe, but unfortunately her colleagues on Council didn’t see any problems.
Not long after Covid began spreading through the United States, The University of Arizona in Tucson began testing wastewater for, wait for it…. Covid. We do not know if U of A is using Lauren Kuby’s ASU Sustainability product. However, see what the government does? It nudges the public just enough to accept a little prying, a little inconvenience, a little data mining, “for the community” and before you know it the door is blown wide open.
UArizona Tracking Coronavirus Through Wastewater Across US | University of Arizona News
Listen to Dr. Ardis at about the 41 minute mark in “Watch the Water” as he explains how the data is manipulated from the testing.
Not long before The University of Arizona began testing wastewater, Governor Doug Ducey thought he’d get tough and start issuing Executive Orders because by golly he cares about the health of Arizonans. Ducey made sure traffic signs on freeways encouraged Covid testing and later “vaccinations”. He closed hair salons, gyms, and other small businesses. On March 19, 2020 the governor’s executive order declared only necessary surgeries were allowed, elective surgeries had to wait. But abortion mills which perform elective surgeries as their main source of income were allowed to stay open. As of May 1, 2020, elective surgeries could resume under certain criteria, some of which was mandatory Covid testing. Governor Ducey and U of A’s president Dr. Robert Robbins swooned over each other as The University of Arizona was awarded money to develop Covid testing.
Ducey says UofA will produce 250K tests for COVID-19 antibody (
Read deep in AZMirror’s post above. Way down in the body of the article is a reference to TGen, Translational Genomics Research Institute. That has gone unnoticed except for one out-of-state journalist who in April of 2020 covered Governor Ducey’s financial ties to TGen. Here is Patrick Howley’s piece on the Covid-compromised globalist Doug Ducey.
Another conflict of interest in Arizona politics, who knew? Ironically, Dr. Governor Doug Ducey also banned HCQ as a treatment for Covid in the early days of lockdowns and restrictions. Why?
It’s interesting that Dr. Governor Ducey accepted Remdesivir, which is being used to kill people in hospitals, but denied the use of a commonly used drug, HCQ, to treat Covid. If Covid is so deadly, why wouldn’t the governor allow Arizonans to have medical options they desire? My body, my choice?
In “Watch the Water”, Dr. Bryan Ardis goes into detail about Remdesivir and its dangers when using it to treat Covid. Dr. Ardis also discusses Gilead’s role in Remdesivir. Here is a chilling screenshot from the Arizona Daily Independent article above.

Pay attention at about the 26 minute mark in “Watch the Water”. Dr. Bryan Ardis lays out some findings about Gilead and Genetech. Look who donated to Doug Ducey’s campaign.

There are some in Arizona who say Arizona State University’s President, Dr. Michael Crow, runs the state while Doug Ducey is the figurehead. In Part Two we will dab into the politics around Arizona State.
You’re on fire! I am sorry that i have not been keeping up. But, i will be catching up.
Continue the great work!
Thank you! It’s the parents and traditional teachers who are on fire and keeping the public in the loop, all thanks to them.