You just can’t make this stuff up. Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) has been trying to push underage sex of all kinds on their students for years. As they think they are getting closer to success, the outrage from the
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Planned Parenthood Follows Lead of Nazi Indoctrination Through Education, Will Tucson Say NO?
In a recent post we described Tucson Unified Schools Board President Adelita Grijalva’s Planned Parenthood appointments to the new Sex Ed Committee. Her partner on the governing board, Kristel Foster, has made a curious appointment herself. Ms. Foster has been vocal
Read moreTucson Unified Schools’ Kristel Foster Pushing Planned Parenthood in Schools
We have been reporting that Tucson Unified School District Board member Adelita Grijalva is funded by Planned Parenthood to push their sex ed in schools. Ms. Grijalva has a partner on the Board to help carry her Pink water. Kristel Foster
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