Arizonans watched for four years while former Superintendent of Public Instruction, Kathy Hoffman, relentlessly pushed sexxx and race over academics. Newly elected SPI Tom Horne has removed Hoffman’s QChat from the department’s website, and has begun to refocus the department on academics. That is a huge project on its own and there is more than just websites to sever ties with.
Kathy Hoffman and many school districts often use “Professional Development” to acquire questionable curriculums which have nothing to do with student success. From there they bring those materials into the classroom, circumventing the local school board approval process. One local professional developer voiced her disappointment with Tom Horne on social media.
The presenter admits the new SPI administration does not align with what is important to her. Tom Horne has been clear that he is focused on student achievement, he said that repeatedly during his campaign. Based on the video above, Julie Lilli is not concerned with student achievement. We don’t know how much income she has lost because her gig to teach ten sessions about feelings and the LGBTQalphabet was canceled.
Here is more from this professional developer.
“Peace and harmony with all”. It sounds like a Coca-Cola commercial from the 1970s.
The New Seekers – I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing 1972 with Lyrics – Bing video
Maybe Julie Lilli missed the memo that going behind parents’ backs to train students as activists doesn’t create peace and harmony in the home.
Under the previous “feelings” Superintendent, the Arizona Department of Education and Phoenix Union High School District developed an employment pipeline with each other. One Claudio Coria comes to mind.
Supt. Hoffman announces new hires Claudio Coria and Whitney Marsh – AZEdNews
Here is a screenshot because the post will likely be removed.
Mr. Coria returned to Phoenix Union in an all important role of school safety. Again, there is a screenshot below in case the link is disabled.
Phoenix Union stepping up safety measures on school campuses (
Note Phoenix Union’s Twitter bio.
All that feel good, progressive, Social Emotional Learning doesn’t seem to be working too well in Phoenix Union. The number of on-campus fights has increased in the last few years. So much for the “Safe Space” the district advertises. How can students learn in a violent atmosphere? And how can the district retain good teachers when students are being trained as liberal political activists instead of contributing members of society who can earn a job or degree after graduation? On Friday, February 3rd, there were reports of five fights at just one Phoenix Union campus. We often ask where is the media, but this time we must ask why is the media covering up that Phoenix Union is covering up the paper trail about these fights? Where is safety guru Claudio Coria?
The campus environment around Arizona has declined and the new SPI has noticed.
Is Jill Lilli really worried about the students or her paycheck? How deep are the ties to consultants in the Arizona Department of Education? Hopefully the clean-up continues. Lilli and Company may lose some dough due to the refocus of the Arizona Department of Education, but students’ lives and academic success are much more important.