Update 4-19-21:
Why are teachers so bent on talking about sex with their students? In addition, some of these teachers are trying to politically influence students while on the government dime:
In 2018, Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s office ignored many reports of Red for Ed teachers politicking on school property and during school hours. Some even used school copiers and paper for their politics. We wonder if anything will be done about this teacher encouraging students to contact Governor Ducey to veto SB1456?
Here is the original story from 4-17-21:
In North Phoenix, newcomer Arizona State Senator Judy Schwiebert is exposing the liberal lobbying group Save Our Schools for what they really are. The group poses as supporters of the public school system. Truthfully SOS is an extreme left-wing group bent on filling open political seats with radical abortion supporters.
As a reminder, Save Our Schools (SOS) is the organization which mysteriously teamed with the Arizona Department of Education in a data breach in early 2020. SOS is constantly complaining that Arizona schools are underfunded. Even after the Republican Legislature and Republican Governor gave in to their crybaby tactics in 2018 and increased school funding, SOS has never been satisfied.
The reason is the group’s aim is to build a large data base of liberal voters and it has worked. Many GOP legislators cower instead of standing up to SOS and their activist partners in the Arizona media. All this has done is create a bigger monster.
Recently, Representative Judy Schwiebert (D) canvassed with Save Our Schoos to complain to Arizona residents about the lack of school funding and where she believes the blame lies. Money in Arizona is flowing freely, though. Look how much her friends at Planned Parenthood gave her during her 2020 campaign:
Representative Schwiebert donned a nifty shirt for her outing to trick voters.
Of course Representative Schwiebert likes her Save our Schools shirt. Look how much financial support she received from the data breachers last fall:
Notice the following entry for over $12,000. SOS has lots of money to give to abortion candidates:
Here is a few hundred dollars SOS delegated for Google Ads for Schwiebert. Of course Google, the Schwiebert candidacy is right up that platform’s alley:
This money maze gets better. Arizona List (the lobbying group which only supports female pro-abortion candidates) has been donating to Save Our Schools Arizona. What does abortion have to do with funding schools? Anyone following how messy this has gotten?
It’s hard to keep the story straight when one is pretending to run for office because it’s “for the children” while simultaneously accepting abortion money, whether directly or laundered through another organization. It must be getting to Representative Schwiebert. Last week in the Arizona Legislature, SB1456 was sent to Governor Ducey’s desk to be signed into law. SB1456 is a bill that prevents sex ed from being taught in grades K-4 in Arizona public schools. 1456 also protects children, as it mandates curriculum transparency. Judy Schwiebert was for SB1456 (who isn’t?), before she realized she was confused and was against it. Watch the train wreck here.
Phew, Schwiebert caught herself just in time! She doesn’t want to miss the crop of money growing on the abortion trees for her next campaign!