It has become a regular occurrence in Washington, DC.–the government may shut down if additional funding isn’t passed. The Democrats whine and the Republicans use the ploy to fundraise. Like clockwork, a continuing resolution is passed and we Americans can sleep easy. Phew, another crisis averted!
We sure wouldn’t want to end some of these “necessary” programs. For example, in July of 2015 it was announced by the US Department of Health and Human Services that $86 million has been awarded in teen pregnancy prevention grants to non-profits, school districts, universities, and others. Notice the code words “teen pregnancy prevention.” And “grants”, that’s free money, right?
Arizona is one of the target states to receive some of that money. We know that Tucson Sunnyside District is benefiting from free money to partner with Planned Parenthood. But that’s not all. There is plenty more to go around Pima County. Check out Guy Talk, an intervention provided by Child & Family Resources, Inc. (The Inc. makes the organization legitimate, right?) Guy Talk in Tucson received over a half million dollars, and notice the research will continue for five years. Why not? We have endless, free money from our federal government, Guy Talk might as well use it so nobody else gets that money.
Child and Family Resources, Inc. must care about families. After all, its tag line on the website is “Where Great Things Start Small.” They must care about the smallest of children; the photos on the website represent such happy, beautiful children and families. Except they don’t say whether those small things they care about are before or after birth. The president and CEO of CFR is the reputable Eric Schindler, PhD. There is one small problem, he’s been partnered with Planned Parenthood:
Eric has had ongoing community service as a board member and/or officer for various community and professional organizations including Planned Parenthood of Arizona, Child Welfare League of America, Southern Arizona Psychological Association, Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona, Alliance for Strong Families and Communities, and Non-Profit Executives Together.
(Copied from Child and Family Resources, Inc. website on 12-27-15)
So Phoenix doesn’t feel left out, CFR awarded Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton the Martha K. Rothman Lifetime Achievement Award for his lifetime of work supporting children and families. Of course, Mayor Stanton was an honorary chair of a Planned Parenthood fundraiser, what better person to be handed this award. I hope he wore pink!
The bottom line, taxpayers are on Planned Parenthood’s trail. Thus, they have to disguise and envelope themselves in alternative names and organizations so they can continue to reap their taxpayer gravy train. As the noose tightens, Planned Parenthood’s web grows, and we continue to elect politicians who are complicit in their funding.