It’s almost time for schools to reopen and at the same time we will be going to the polls (don’t vote early) and electing our favorites in the Arizona primary election. Unfortunately, in many cases we will be subjected to the same recycled candidates, just a different year. It is amazing that in failing school districts the school boards don’t turn over. Do parents enjoy beating their heads against the wall?
Or do parents simply not know what is going on? The teachers are well aware of the school climate, but they remain quiet out of fear of repercussions or they go along to reap rewards. Lela Alston has been a Phoenix Union Governing Board member since 2008. She has overseen the rapid demise of the district, a district where students and teachers are in constant danger.
We have written about Phoenix Union High School District’s (PUHSD) bribes to get the experimental gene therapy, also known as a Covid vaccination, into teachers and also the community at large. Superintendent Chad Gestson is known throughout the district for his political posturing and not much else. Before Gestson was appointed superintendent, he was hiding the sex ed curriculum from us, while some of he teachers have “Safe Space” rainbow stickers in their classrooms.

Lela Alston was also on the PUHSD Governing Board when they approved Chad Gestson as Superintendent. This piece by ABC15 is very telling, Gestson cut ties with school resource officers. Now the teachers and students are on their own, and we have videos to prove it.

Last fall there was quite an altercation at Trevor Browne High School. But look, none of the administrators communicated about it. Or did they and they aren’t telling us? Even Superintendent Gestson and the governing board appear to be in the dark.

Phoenix Union has a reputation for fights, so much so that students are shooting videos and posting them on Instagram. It’s no longer a novelty; kids and teachers are afraid. Nobody will listen to them. Not even another governing board member who is up for reelection this fall, Stephanie Parra, seems to give a darn. She is too busy with her new pet project called “All In Education”.

Notice Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman calls this organization an “investment”. This is just another example of the back and forth gravy train between Phoenix Union High School personalities and the Arizona Department of Education. This time it was ESSER funds. Weren’t ESSER funds originally to be used to mitigate against Covid in a school setting? Evidently if the mission statement includes “through the Pandemic”, then ESSER funds can be used for more anti-White, Critical Race Theory training.

Stephanie Parra made the cover of a magazine, something about leadership and diversity.

Of course, let’s not forget Planned Parenthood, especially now in their time of need.

Governing Board member Stephanie Parra is so focused on diversity, inclusion, abortion, and LGBTQ she has been silent about the ongoing fights at Phoenix Union. Evidently her focus on females has come at the expense of males because it’s pretty much the guys who are involved in the altercations. There are days with a high rate of staff absenteeism, so merging classes and cramming students together likely contributes to tempers boiling over.

Keep the above email in mind because we have some videos that for some reason haven’t made it on to the mainstream media. Why not? Are “journalists” like Steve Irvin (ABC15) and Joe Dana (12News) too close to the Red for Ed, Save Our Schools, Arizona Education Association (AEA) groupies to report as they should?
Where is security? Well, Phoenix Union is often short-staffed in that area. Where are the police? Well, there is this Restorative Justice thing going on and the Superintendent severed ties, so those involved in altercations are supposed to just work it out amongst themselves. At least once this past school year teachers were blamed for a school fight. Where is the Arizona Educators Association to help these falsely accused teachers? Well, AEA reps happen to have an office inside the PUHSD administration building. Are they in residence to represent teachers or plan their next lunch with the Arizona Department of Education (Kathy Hoffman)?
We have more videos which are similar to these. These videos were taken during the 2021-2022 school year. Phoenix Union is monitoring teacher emails; what will happen to a teacher who discusses these fights outside of the district? Word is those teachers who are active in the AEA sometimes have much smaller class sizes than those who choose not to be involved with the union, sometimes as few as nine students. What about the students, is this learning? Or are the kids only being used as tools to get state and federal funding so Superintendent Gestson, the Governing Board, and the AEA (located in the district office) can continue playing politics?
These students have to be traumatized. When they no longer feel safe or are able to concentrate, they will be sent to therapists and school social workers and from there it’s anyone’s guess what will happen. Anything can be told to these students without their parents’ knowledge. It is often the social workers who are sending students to the Arizona Department of Education sex chat as described by Arizona Daily Independent. In the minds of Big Education, LGBTQABC solves every problem a student might have, and some anti-depressants won’t hurt either so let’s get them hooked on drugs.
Planned Parenthood is unapologetically anti-police unless Planned Parenthood needs to call an officer due to someone praying the rosary in front of their building. This summer the organization took to endorsing Arizona candidates who are not only pro-baby extermination but also anti-police. Here is Chris Love, who just stepped down as Planned Parenthood Advocates Chair in Arizona.

The abortionists have little regard for any human life, even those in officers in blue who Chris Love calls to chase prayer warriors away from her Planned Parenthood abortion mills. Here is more from Ms. Love and her choice for Maricopa County Attorney, Julie Gunnigle. Ms. Gunnigle has already said abortions will continue with no threat of the law if she is elected County Attorney in November.
This story by ABC15 news last fall was nice, but a bit shallow. Has there been any follow-up? Notice the wording, everything has been cleaned up for the community:
“Not considered life-threatening”
“After school”
“All other students and staff are safe”
What does Steve Irvin know about the goings-on at Phoenix Union? When he is questioned on Twitter he blocks that account. Is he the fox guarding the henhouse? Here is ABC15’s Steve Irvin at the Arizona Educator’s Association meeting in May at a Scottsdale hotel.

Instead of dealing with the dangers on Phoenix Union’s campuses, the governing board published a resolution about LGBTQ and their rights, which reading between the lines includes guys using girls’ bathrooms. Talk about a safety issue! (We have videos of fights in PUHSD bathrooms).

Anyone in administration at Phoenix Union High School District who continues to hide reality from students’ parents and the community is part of the problem. If and when a student is seriously beaten again (it has already happened) blood is on your hands. Any administrator who chooses to not protect the teachers, you are liable. It’s time Phoenix Union gets out of the abortion and gender business and tackles the business of education. Maybe start by re-researching those public records we requested about the October, 2021 fight at Trevor Browne High School.
meant to say ” kinds of punishments”
When i was in school 10,000 years ago, we had a student who attacked a teacher. That kid was removed from school and was never heard from again. In those days we had “reform schools” which was for kids who were too dangerous to be among the the general population of students.
With that said, there were lots of fights among boys in those days – followed by detention, suspension and various other kids of punishments within the school system. A certain amount of fighting among boys is actually normal in IMHO.
But, gangsters should not be allowed to run rough shod over our schools today. At the same time, I am not a fan of militarizing schools. I am a fan of disciplining bad behavior in general and removing those children from the system who are a serious threat to themselves and others. But, that would require an understanding that people are responsible for their own actions; something that is lost among the general public; or so it seems
We are hearing the “Restorative Justice” approach is much of the problem. One of our readers is doing some research into this and we hope to follow up with more information. Thanks! Glad you’re still hanging in there after 10,000 years.