Our Response to Planned Parenthood’s Inaccurate Op-Ed

One of the reasons this website was started is the lack of thorough investigating and reporting of the relationship between Planned Parenthood in Arizona and local school districts who consider allowing them in schools.  Although there was an Arizona Republic/azcentral.com reporter assigned to cover school issues during the Tempe Union High School decision, she didn’t report the matter thoroughly despite indicating privately at school board meetings she wanted to.  Perhaps her bosses at the newspaper put the brakes on her wishes.

Because we need to keep Planned Parenthood and their politicians in check we must respond to a recent Op-Ed on the azcentral.com website written by Jodi Liggett and Dr. William Richardson.  Mrs. Liggett is the vice-president of public affairs for Planned Parenthood and Dr. Richardson is their medical director.  As with their non-medically accurate sex ed, Planned Parenthood’s written piece has many holes we must alert the public about.  It is proper the piece is filed as opinion.

The title is strange in itself though: “Don’t Believe Alternative Facts About Planned Parenthood.”  It seems Liggett and Williamson are admitting the anti-Planned Parenthood crowd is indeed using facts.  We thank them for bringing these “alternative” facts to light–it gives us an opportunity to go into some detail about them.

Liggett and Williamson start by saying birth control and abortion don’t cause cancer.  Check out this article from breastcancer.org explaining the birth control pill and breast cancer link in great detail.  Does Planned Parenthood go over these possible risks with their clients, especially teenagers?

Second, there is also research indicating a link between abortion and breast cancer.  Sadly, this doesn’t make the news.  Some studies indicate there is a link and other studies say there isn’t.  This article sums up the number of studies and how many are showing a link between breast cancer and abortion.  It would be a loving gesture for Planned Parenthood, who calls itself a necessary source for womens’ healthcare, to at least talk about the possible links with their abortion-minded clients.  It’s only fair their clients have the necessary information to make an informed decision.

Third, Planned Parenthood argues that abortion is not reversible.  Most abortions cannot be reversed.  However, there is a way to reverse one abortion procedure before it is complete.  It’s called Abortion Pill Reversal (APR).  It was recognized legally recently in Arizona but Planned Parenthood couldn’t face the truth and ran to the courts to get it, well….reversed.  Planned Parenthood has called APR junk science. The procedure is rather new, it’s not junk, there is a difference. A woman who takes RU-486 or Mifepristone takes the dosage in two pills.  Sometimes between the first and second pill, a woman has second thoughts.  In the past, they may have called Planned Parenthood to ask them if the procedure can be stopped.  They have been told no.

Now these women have the option to call 877-558-0333 and talk to someone about whether the procedure can be reversed and how.  There are several factors that contribute to APR’s success, and of course as with all medical procedures, nothing is 100%.  However, the number of healthy babies born after an APR intervention is increasing.  While Liggett and Williamson say it isn’t possible, we have met a healthy baby born after APR!

As far as sex ed and the HPV vaccine increasing kids wanting to have sex, of course both of these will!  Planned Parenthood explains it in an indirect way, they just don’t want kids or politicians to follow their trail.  While they deny abortion is their number one money-maker, when President Trump offered to keep funding them if they dropped abortions, they denied the opportunity.  Therefore, abortion must be a necessity for Planned Parenthood’s bottom line.  How else can they get these girls in the door?  Talk sex, demand sex in schools, normalize sex at any age, treat girls and boys as sex objects, train teens to talk to other teens about sex, and support politicians who carry the Planned Parenthood message along their campaign trail.

Perhaps Liggett and Williamson may be sort of correct in that Planned Parenthood never offered mammograms and we shouldn’t be saying they ever advertised as such.  But they advertise in a way to mislead women into thinking they do provide mammograms.  Both sides may be at fault on this point.  But even President Barack Obama thought they did.  In the last several years, word has gotten out that Planned Parenthood simply does manual breast exams and refers patients somewhere else for a mammogram.  (This is a medical need that can be done by most doctors, society doesn’t need Planned Parenthood for manual exams and referrals.)  Click this link and play the video with the former President, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, and others.  Has Planned Parenthood been confusing Americans through the years purposely to continue receiving federal tax dollars and donations?

It is surprising Planned Parenthood’s op-ed writers would refer to their founder, Margaret Sanger, to strengthen their opinion piece.  We have written about Margaret Sanger’s goal of ridding society of people with color.  Here are some classic quotes from Sanger–read these to see how Planned Parenthood started.

At the end of the piece, Mrs. Liggett and Dr. Williamson say they trust people to make good decisions.  If Planned Parenthood really laid out the facts with each client, we would believe them.  But by withholding information from the girls who come to their centers and from the general public, they are not medically accurate.  Why not?

To all the employees at Planned Parenthood, we do not hate you.  We do not like what your organization is doing to our children, women, and our culture.  Tomorrow is a new day.  There is life, freedom, and happiness on the other side of Planned Parenthood.  When you are ready, many on the pro-life/anti-Planned Parenthood side will be there to help you without judgement.  Many have walked in your shoes and will be happy to walk along side you in your journey out of Planned Parenthood.  Please contact abortionworker.com for help.  You will remain anonymous.





4 thoughts on “Our Response to Planned Parenthood’s Inaccurate Op-Ed

  • July 10, 2017 at 9:52 am

    Planned Parenthood will do everything they can to mislead the public. Check every stat they claim.

    • July 14, 2017 at 10:34 pm

      Agree! It’s amazing the press leaves them alone. Even Fox rarely calls them out.

  • July 10, 2017 at 9:20 am

    I’m glad this op-ed was written in response to Liggett’s original offering. Planned Parenthood may provide services to mainly women, but their abortion machine must be spun off if they really want people like me to support federal funding for women’s “health” and “reproductive” issues. What either opinion failed to mention was adoption referral. That seems to me to be a very important moral component of pregnancy counseling rather than the be-all, end-all abortion first route. PP does very little adoption counseling and referral, which point they strongly deny.

    My question is why in the first place the federal government is funding this private organization in the first place. They apparently do charge something for their “health” services and they do fundraising. I say they should raise all their money through private donations. Then again, there’s always their baby-parts selling business to bring in money.

    • July 14, 2017 at 10:41 pm

      Good point about Planned Parenthood rarely referring for adoptions. Also, look at their Yelp reviews. Many complain about how much PP charges, yet we are told they need funding to help make their services affordable.

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