We have seen update after update from the Arizona State Board of Education as teachers are disciplined for sexual behavior with students. A Legal Process has been writing about the situation in Arizona on Substack. Often, offending teachers are let go from their districts with no fanfare but then are hired at a different district so they can continue grooming a new audience while nobody knows why they left their previous job. Hopefully, a pervert teacher is eventually caught, the case is documented, and action is taken. How much sexual grooming is going on right now that parents don’t know about yet?
In Mesa Public Schools, Mrs. Tami Staas is quite honest about her intentions. We have written about her previously, and we have additional recordings of her. It is a wonder Mrs. Staas’s principal has no concerns about what is going on in her classroom. Is her principal in on it? For those in Mesa, the school Mrs. Staas is currently “teaching” at is Summit Academy.
We have multiple clips of an interview Tami Staas and Carrie Wolfe did to encourage transitioning children, using the classroom as their own petri dish. Here is Ms. Wolfe’s bio. The Arizona Education Association (AEA) acts as the pseudo teachers union in Arizona.

Here is the dynamic duo. In case you couldn’t figure it out, they had to share they are female.

This first video plants the seeds of harassment and mental health so the school community takes the blame for any problems the confused child is experiencing. This is an example of Restorative Justice. The mental health component artificially drives the conversation towards school-based health centers, which are spreading like wildfire due to the dangling carrot of government money and takeover of the family.
In the video below, Mrs. Staas shares how she introduces pronouns to students. Do parents in Mesa Public Schools know she does this? Does the Summit community know Mrs. Staas is placing guilt on everyone else for not liking her demonic Pride flag she hangs in her classroom?
Be careful who you vote for this fall. A teacher from southern Arizona explains that she is lesbian and running for school board. Luisa and Tami Staas also take a jab at conservative values during their conversation. The AEA is doing all it can to affect school board races so districts will rubber stamp grooming your minor children and hiding it from parents. More on that later.
The following video speaks for itself. But listen at 2:05 when Mrs. Staas takes the place of students’ parents, overriding the upbringing of children who are not hers.
Notice the second bullet point below. At 55 seconds, Mrs. Staas explains how to hide sexual grooming from parents. Synergy is a platform used in many Arizona school districts. Guess what? Your tax dollars are paying for Synergy so “educators” like Mrs. Staas can use it to hide information from you about your child. She is even pushing for grade school Gay Clubs at the 3:20 mark.
Because this AEA podcast hasn’t done enough damage, the next video explains that the goal is to take over school boards to circumvent laws which protect kids that were passed by the Arizona Legislature.
As a follow up, the Arizona Education Association just this week proved its goals have nothing to do with academics or student achievement. The organization’s goals are to completely take over the sexuality and steal the innocence of Arizona’s children using public school classrooms. On Friday, August 2, 2024, Coppersmith Brockelman’s own Adam, attorney Austin Yost, argued in support of the Arizona Abortion Access (through nine months) petitions in Maricopa County Superior Court.

Within days he was hired by a sitting Higley Governing Board member to defend her candidate petition signature challenge in a court case. Did the candidate hire Mr. Yost or did the Arizona Education Association? Why did Mr. Yost jump from a very high profile, nationally-watched case on Friday to a case in a small school district in a conservative suburb of Phoenix? Because of the AEA’s goals in the above videos. Everything upside-down in the world right now leads back to the legalization of abortion. Don’t forget Planned Parenthood is in the child sex transition business now that they have had decades of grooming children and dismembering babies.
In addition, Coppersmith Brockelman’s central Phoenix law firm’s address was used by Fieldworks, the company hired to obtain most of the abortion through nine months petition signatures. Fieldworks does not have an office in that building, yet some of the circulators wrote the Coppersmith Brockelman address as their temporary address. Were the circulators living in the law offices at night and gathering abortion signatures during the day? What a tangled web they weave.
As long as we are on the subject of Higley Unified, let’s clarify a statement by a different governing board candidate. Who is really disrupting public education? It is certainly not “right wing” candidates who support academics. Governing board candidates supported by the AEA are disrupting education to focus on sexual conversations and more with minors, but the AEA doesn’t want anyone to know that.

Later in the podcast, Carrie Wolfe took over to represent the AEA.

Ms. Wolfe added the following screenshot about surveys into the discussion. Note what AEA says the law doesn’t say.

Here is a screenshot of the actual Arizona State Statute verbiage of the law surrounding school surveys.

Here are more tricks from the AEA podcast. Parents, you have rights as to the upbringing of your children. Don’t let the Arizona Education Association, Save Our Schools Arizona, or any representative of a school district tell you otherwise.

Here is the statute.

Go back to the video clip above where Mrs. Staas advises teachers to use the ghost mode on Synergy; at 3:00 she pushes Rainbow Libraries. These are personal libraries of books in a teacher’s classroom or school counselor’s office so they can bypass Arizona laws and governing board procedures.
In summary, enroll your children at a government union school at their own risk and do lots of research before voting this fall.