This is an alert to parents and taxpayers living in the Kyrene School District in Arizona.
The Board has hired Dr. Jan Vesely from pro-Planned Parenthood Sunnyside School District in Tucson as superintendent.
Vicki Hadd-Wissler must be licking her chops. She can follow Dr. Vesely just a couple hours up the I-10 in hopes of getting Sunnyside’s comprehensive sex ed curriculum in Kyrene. Wow, what an easy sell. The district feeds into Tempe Union High Schools, which are already using Ms. Hadd-Wissler’s (renamed) Planned Parenthood curriculum.
How much did Kyrene Schools pay McPherson & Jacobson for this hire? As usual, another school district does not think out of the box. The merry-go-round of educrats continues.
A horrible human being . It is a shame for all that this piece of foul smelling debris is in education as a superintendent.
She is being protected by a supposedly “Republican” school board. They are proud of their hire.
I prefer the term without the “c”; spelled “edurats”; or edu-gangsters
Should that be with a capital “R”?