Now that schools are closed due to fears of the Corona Virus, America’s students are adjusting to learning from home. The good news is many controversial comprehensive sex ed programs are taught in the Spring, so our children will miss out. Good. The bad news is they have access to much of the material at home, in some cases even more.
There are several ways school children will access all kinds of sex ed while the school doors are locked. It’s especially convenient when the local public school district provides links to controversial material. What a great use of our tax dollars.
In Cave Creek Unified Schools, it’s likely students in middle and high school will have papers to write so they will need access to the on-line library. Presto! In just a few clicks, they are in.
We have written about EBSCO data bases previously. The company has cleaned up some of the material, but it is still not a completely safe data base. Meanwhile, the children have other nifty options through Cactus Shadow’s on-line library. Click on “Arizona State Library”. You will then see a page with this near the bottom:
Click “Online Reference Resources” and this page will pop up:
Near the bottom will be a family of GALE databases. So many to choose from:
GALE Opposing Viewpoints is circled because we are attaching a video put together by a parent in Colorado who has done extensive research into taxpayer online data bases for children. Please click here to see what you are missing while you are at work or in line for toilet paper.
It is likely these data bases were bought and paid for long before Arizona’s current Secretary of State took office. We need to find out who in the Arizona Legislature is authorizing the business relationship between Arizona and these data bases and at each school district. All parties are signing on without exploring what they are buying. Also, what is the cost? Cave Creek is not the only school district linking to EBSCO, GALE, and other data bases with inappropriate content, it is actually quite common.
If this isn’t bad enough, check out the digital media company Your children and teens will be entertained for hours on end. Don’t get too upset with them if they don’t finish their long division homework or learn their multiplication tables. This sick organization has made the human body a cartoon joke while sex is to be taken lightly. Again, what is wrong with an anatomy and physiology textbook?. At the same time, AMAZE is normalizing porn, abortion, and gender confusion.
Watch this one minute video which tells CHILDREN watching porn is normal–“After all it’s right there and it’s free”. The video compares porn to super heroes movies. Who talks to children this way? Do we allow our teachers and other adults to manipulate children like this? Let’s ask ourselves why porn is free and why is it “right there” as the narrator remarks.
No wonder these kids find nothing wrong with porn. Here’s a link to an article on, making the case for sex ed in kindergarten.
Just in case the children who are now homeschooled are Catholic, here’s a tweet to trick them. This tweet by Catholics for Choice is a group that does not follow Catholic teaching. But what does that matter, as long as the kids know where to get porn, IUDs, and abortions while schools are closed?
So who is behind this platform? Tracie Q. Gilbert is the co-founder of She is a sex educator who wants to make sure your children are doing okay sexually during the Corona Virus lock down, and of course, all other days of the year. How good of her ($$$). Ms. Gilbert is a staff member at the Center for Sex Education. And here it is, sexualizing children, as young as preschoolers goes back to Planned Parenthood.
Tracie Gilbert also makes sure to denounce pregnancy centers, calling them dangerous in this article. Ironically, many crisis pregnancy centers discuss three options with pregnant mothers–raising the baby, adoption, and abortion. These centers are a direct threat to Planned Parenthood’s bottom line which is why Ms. Gilbert targets them.
Interestingly, women leave crisis pregnancy centers with ultrasound pictures of their baby; the same cannot be said of Planned Parenthood. So which provider actually provides scientific information?
Don’t think for a moment Planned Parenthood has the good of our country’s children in mind. And for those who tell us Planned Parenthood helps prevent pregnancy, here is a nifty article on the website why abortion should be discussed in sex ed. Calling itself “child friendly” is the real oxymoron.
But wait, there is more. Here are some nifty kits that can be ordered through the website. After the kids get addicted to sex and porn while home from school during these months, how about the sex teachers order these items for when the students return to school? Of course Planned Parenthood is all over these kits.
Right now parents don’t need more on their plate as they are trying to keep their jobs and now oversee their children’s day to day education. But Planned Parenthood never sleeps. Even during this time when families are spending more time together, Planned Parenthood, using the AMAZE website, is set up to poison them through mandated on-line teaching time.