The Comprehensive Sex Ed/Planned Parenthood for-lots-of-profit industry rakes in millions of dollars, many of them from our taxes, so they can employ top-notch strategists to skirt local laws. Not to be outdone by their desert counterparts, some in Flagstaff, Arizona have found a way to teach Comprehensive Sex Education to minors despite state restrictions.
Meet Rachel Billowitz, an instructor at Northern Arizona University. She has quite a background in sex, and there it is again, another graduate from The University of Arizona, right in the heart of Tucson. Here’s a brief piece of her bio; note her interest in teaching sex ed.
Arizona law promoting pro-life and adoption over abortion in public school sex ed also includes charter schools. Charter schools—lots of parents in Arizona have chosen this alternative for their children for various reasons. Many feel the charters use a more traditional curriculum that will better prepare the students for college. This Arizona State Board for Charter Schools procurement request was made before SB1009 took effect in 2012. However, it appears there has been a relationship between Ms. Billowitz and charter schools. Also, many parents would be surprised that a Planned Parenthood representative has access to their children. Here is the disturbing reference to Planned Parenthood:
Is the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools still as elated to be spending money on Planned Parenthood as they were six years ago?
And as for Ms. Billowitz, her bio says she’s a K-12 sex educator. But kindergarten is pretty late to get kids started on sex, so she has a program through a government agency that starts kids at the age of 0. This is confusing because Planned Parenthood eliminates kids before they are 0, but if Ms. Billowitz gets a hold of a baby at birth + 1 minute they can come to sex ed class!
Who is referring kids and families to North Country Healthcare where Ms. Billowitz is teaching infants through teenagers about sex? Flagstaff Schools are filling that role:
Another tangled web, as bad as the one in Tucson. At least the weather is nice in Flagstaff during the summer.