Many families have been troubled for some time about the data mining occurring in the schools. More and more required testing along with on-line curriculum access has left many wondering what the government and school districts might be doing with the information. Of course states and school districts want to track students’ scores and proficiency, but what else might they be analyzing and just where does the child’s information land?
This past week was the first day of school in Tempe, Arizona. Along with the first day comes the stack of papers in each student’s backpack that must be signed by the parents By the time parents wade through multiple backpacks, they often quickly fill out and sign every paper after only a quick scan–one more project is complete and the backpacks can be reloaded for the next day.
This year a parent noticed a form they were asked to sign.
(We are waiting for a full-size hard copy.)
The form appears to notify parents that the school can’t survey the children about certain subjects without getting parent’s permission. We researched the Arizona Revised Statute noted above. Here is the link.
Here are a few highlights from the law referenced.
Thankfully there is an Arizona law protecting students from having to share personal information. But we must ask what this list has to do with learning? Although we highlighted just a few categories, the entire list is questionable. And notice this law pertains to surveys kept more than a year by the district or “department of education”. Does this refer to the Arizona Department of Education or the Federal Department of Education?
Remember Tempe Elementary’s “Human Growth and Development” curriculum which pivots to push an anti-gun agenda? Are teachers tallying who has guns so a staff member can make that phone call to the parents as shown in school’s the video?
Notice the law applies to surveys kept over a year. Would schools ask students for this information in a subtle manner and not formally record the answers? Religious beliefs, political affiliations, voting history, sexual behavior…..we see a pattern. Are schools recording which students don’t fit their sex ed agenda? Or would they track students who have medical or mental problems, which could affect the student’s opportunities later in life if the government keeps this information?
Thankfully parents are likely signing this consent form. But how many are asking the schools or the Arizona Department of Education why this law needed to be passed?