Creepy Library in Maryland Update: Where is the Catholic Church?

We reported this weekend about a perverted sex ed class that was scheduled to be held in the Lexington Park library in southern Maryland.  We are used to sex ed popping up everywhere, but this particular class was being given by a woman who would not allow parents in the class with their children.  She therefore had the complete attention of teenagers with no parents to screen the material.

There was a prayer vigil at the library on May 21st, the day of the sex ed class.  There are many legal angles to this case, including the First Amendment, which supports.  However, we don’t support anyone but parents being the primary teachers of children.  Yes, there were permission slips, but the “paperwork” was on-line so there was no real requirement for a parent to sign anything.

Regardless, the parents opposed to this child-only sex ed class decided to have a prayer vigil at the same time the class occurred.  The Catholic Church has discouraged their efforts.  Here are supporters of Bianca Palmisano, pole-dancer and self-described queer who likes to touch people:

We support these protestors exercising their First Amendment rights.  Take a look at the posters and their mockery.

Here is the summary of one of the parents who showed up in opposition to the Lexington Park library sex ed class.  The parents who came used the opportunity for prayer:

So there you have it, the Catholic Church in Maryland is MIA.  If the culture does not have the Catholic Church and her priests as a guide through these tumultuous times, the culture has nothing.  No other institution has the knowledge, networking, and history of truth to rally the troops in these controversial situations.  Many Catholics in the pews need to wake up, but many others are ready for battle.  Why do they not see their own priests and bishops supporting and guiding their efforts to push back on perverted sex ed without parents present?  There are no excuses; don’t tell us about the IRS , elections, and penalties.  Look where your excuses and indifference have gotten us.

Catholic leaders who are supportive and speak out, we thank you.  You know who you are.  We know who you are and we have your backs.

4 thoughts on “Creepy Library in Maryland Update: Where is the Catholic Church?

  • October 7, 2024 at 6:04 pm

    What does the Catholic Church have to do with public library activities? Thank goodness for the separation of Church and State!

    • October 13, 2024 at 8:37 pm

      There is no separation of church and state.

  • May 30, 2017 at 6:41 am

    Similar problems in Colorado where churches will not stand up against issuance of pornography in schools. School “research databases” are literally sold to over 50,000 elementary, middle and high schools around the country and are known to stream pornographic articles, links to hard core porn, ads for escort services and more. Churches all around the country should be up in arms about this – where are they? Our church would not help to get the word out to our community and the pastor refused to even meet with our group of concerned parents. In fact, one local Catholic church actually hosted a speaker who called the EBSCO (named to 2017 Dirty Dozen list by NCOSE) scandal “fake news” in a room of over 200 people. Why?

    • June 3, 2017 at 2:50 pm

      Geez…..what is going on? Maybe we need to join with Thanks for the input–we agree, the Church is way too silent and the fragmentation doesn’t help. Thanks for reading!

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