Many problems with the country’s education system were exposed during Covid, but maybe the biggest scandal is the grifting off anything education. This is happening on both sides of the political aisle. It is disappointing that children are always the pawns and used to barter for more money, but rarely with positive results.
Last week Arizona’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Horne, spoke before both the Arizona House and Senate Education Committees. What was most disappointing is his request for more money for an artificial intelligence company. Superintendent Horne didn’t just request money for general artificial intelligence, he had a specific company in mind. Because he came across as a sales representative, we decided to take a look into his Khanmigo recommendation.
Khanmigo is a financially successful artificlal intelligence company which supplies tutors, according to Superintendent Horne. Why is the education system so inept that artificial tutors are being recommended for each student? Why can’t teachers with four-year bachelors degrees from the state’s teachers colleges successfully teach academics? Why do teachers regulary need professional development? Why are so many students being passed to the next grade and given diplomas when they can’t read or write properly to succeed in college or a job?
Lackluster student performance benefits select individuals who profit off dismal results so they proceed to market a product or service and say “It’s for the children”. Anyone in the Arizona Legislature who votes no on Khanmigo and any property owner who votes against bonds and overrides will be publicly shamed. In fact, Superintendent Horne used his microphone to publicly shame hard-working families who no longer want their money wasted by their local school district and voted down bonds and overrides in November.
Back to Kahnmigo, its website kind of states a mea culpa from the start.

Khanmigo is still learning, but spend (our) money on it anyway.
However, a huge concern is who one of Khanmigo’s biggest donors is:

Let’s ponder this relationship.. Our Arizona children will be using a computer AI program funded by one of the biggest abortion supporters in the world. What kind of artificial “intelligence” will be programmed into the questions, responses, and videos the student accesses? To make matters worse, Superintendent Horne wants all students to have Khanmigo. Thus, every student will be influenced by a huge Planned Parenthood advocate. Here is Khanmigo’s newest sales representative speaking to the Arizona Legislature’s Education Committee on January 21, 2025.
We honestly don’t know how these companies have so much influence over elected officials, although it is easy to speculate. Superintendent Horne is well-educated and he likely achieved his multiple degrees without artificial intelligence. Republicans in the Arizona Legislature, you bragged about increasing your majority this session. You were successful in part because Arizonans were fed up with radical agendas in government schools. We found out through last week’s presentation the Arizona Department of Education is already working with Khanmigo; there is no need to spend any more of our tax dolllars on anything or anyone so embedded with Planned Parenthood. Superintendent Horne removed QChat from the agency’s website as soon as he got the keys to the building, as he promised. Planned Parenthood is also heavily involved with sexually transitioning minors. Let’s not go backwards.
Speaking of Bill and Melinda Gates, their daughter was very influencial in the passage of Proposition 139 in November, which now permits abortion through all nine months of pregnancy for any reason or no reason at all. Phoebe Gates donated a mere $750,000 to the effort. She recently graduated from Stanford, so why the interest in abortion in Arizona? Her dad needs to keep abortion going because sex sells, especially sexually influencing children in a classroom setting through electronic devices.

Not only was Ms. Gates a college student in California last year, her address for her abortion donation is New York City. Always follow the money, our elections are heavily influenced by out-of-state donations.
Every time a minor student uses a device for “educational” purposes, he or she is being monitored. Not only is the data stored and often sold to who knows whom, every key stroke and eye movement is being tracked.
In case the above X post is removed, here is the fine print:

This is not new and is common with many online systems used in schools. And it is no coincidence Bill Gates is a computer guru while tied to Planned Parenthood. Once teachers are in the Khanmigo system, they have access to blogs, including one by Mr. Gates himself.

The teachers unions not only support abortion, but also favored masks and unproven vaccines during Covid. Bill Gates has a lot of influence. Keep this in mind when districts use the declining birth rate excuse to cut teachers instead of administrators.
Unfortunately, most elected officials have not paid enough attention to the dangers of Social Emotional Learning. Khanmigo has produced many videos, as Superintendent Horne referenced, and many fall under Social Emotional or Whole Child.

The following screenshot lists many videos that are Social Emotional Learning on steroids. And guess what, these are for two through eight year olds. Of course Big Education profiteers want to get the kids on devices as soon as they are out of a crib so they can begin monitoring, storing information about them, and influencing preschoolers’ beliefs. For example, Winter Holiday is really Christmas or Hanukkah. Khanmigo dilutes the importance by renaming religious hoidays which is a slap in the face to believers.

When the school day is filled with feelings and agendas, there isn’t much time left for learning. What would really revolutionize education would be to bring back a chalkboard, paper, pencils, and hardcover books. But fewer folks will profit so instead we get miniature robots staring at devices and learning very little during the school day so more products can be used to experiment on them. Let’s see if the Arizona Legislature gives in and spends more of OUR money on Bill Gates, abortion, and Social Emotional Learning.