Lately there has been no doubt the Democratic Party is the Abortion and Sex Ed for All Party and they make no attempt to hide it. At least they are honest about their stance. Meanwhile, the Republican Party has consistently taken a stand for life in the party platform. Therefore, most candidates run as supporting life, although there are some who do not govern as such.
Currently in Arizona, there is a radical sex ed curriculum about to be voted on in the Tucson Unified School District (TUSD). Tucson is liberal, so the radical material isn’t a surprise. What is a head-scratcher is one of the five people on the “Family Life” (sex ed) curriculum committee is a leader in the Arizona Republican Party and is pushing the adult material on children.
Cindy Coleman has quite a resume with Republican politics in Arizona. Last year the Pima County Republican Women posted their list of members on the internet. Cindy was a member. We inserted a screenshot in case the list is scrubbed.

Also, Ms. Coleman’s work within the AZGOP has garnered her enough support to win the seat of Second Vice Chair:

One would think having such a solid Republican on TUSD’s sex ed committee would bode well for students and families. Well, don’t hold your breath. We have found out she is actively working with GLSEN supporter Superintendent Kathy Hoffman and against Republican Party platform values.
Ms. Coleman hooked up with Superintendent Hoffman after Stephanie Hamilton, a TUSD and anti-school choice leader, sat with Hoffman at an Arizona List Luncheon. Arizona List is a special organization which supports pro-abortion Democrat women running for office.

It looks like Ms. Coleman and Ms. Hoffman became fast friends, ready to celebrate the repeal of legislation that up to that point had protected children from being exposed to controversial sexual subject matter.

It’s ironic that those who espouse “medically accurate” sex ed push some sort of new sex, and that is why sex ed is needed. “Thrust our education system into this century!”? What that really means is since sex really can’t change due to biology, there is a new agenda and that is what Hoffman and Coleman are thrusting at our children and grandchildren.
Ms. Coleman then helped Superintendent Hoffman prepare for the possible rule changes at the Arizona Department of Education. If these sex pushers had been successful, Senator Martin Quezada had a list of rules for the State Board of Education to adopt.

No, Ms. Coleman, you are not able to speak for the concerns of conservatives in this state. If you did, you would not be pushing sex ed for little kids. Ms. Hoffman is happy to have phony Republican Coleman on her team:

Here is another nugget from Cindy Coleman, 2nd Vice Chair of the Arizona Republican Party. Let’s make the verbiage include Kindergarteners:

Thankfully parents converged at the June 24th Arizona State Board of Education meeting, expressed their concerns, and the Board voted against sex lecturer Kathy Hoffman.

Not only is Republican Party guru Cindy Coleman not representing the Party platform, she admits to breaking a trust with the other members of her sex ed committee. Ironically, Purple for Parents had many representatives at the June 24th meeting who were none too happy with the direction sex ed is going under Superintendent Hoffman.

Tucson Unified’s sex ed committee may have complied with open meeting laws, but they have not been forthcoming with detailed curriculum. The committee has posted a framework, but as of now no specifics and final textbooks have not been chosen. If that is something that GOPer Coleman is proud of, Tucson children are in trouble.
We have covered another highly touted Arizona GOP Precinct Committeeman, Joe Abate, and his donations to pro-abortion candidates. It’s time Arizona Republican members clean up their Party. There is absolutely no reason to join an organization whose prized members don’t support life, parents’ rights, and a safe education. When the leaders of the Party don’t follow basic Constitutional principals, there is no reason those elected to office as “Republicans” should either.