Unfortunately for Beth Lewis and her crew at Save Our Schools Arizona, they just doesn’t understand the economic concept of supply and demand. Until recently, public schools didn’t have to produce quality programs because most families wanted their children to attend their free (not really) neighborhood school so their kids could learn with friends and neighbors. This worked out until parents discovered what was happening in the classroom. Ironically, as parents complain at school board meetings, Big Education has been emboldened and instead of heeding advice, they are giving a big middle finger to these parents.
At the same time, Arizona has become the mecca of school choice. Between government schools, charters, private, religious, microschools, and homeschooling, there is an option for everyone. The final blow to Ms. Lewis and her organization was the passing of Universal Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs), where PARENTS’ tax money follows the child to pay for his or her education needs. Not only does this option benefit students, it saves the state of Arizona money.
It’s time for public schools to go back to the drawing board to save their sinking ship. Instead, Ms. Lewis and a state senator from Tempe who claims to be a champion of public schools took a selfie in front of a coffee shop which hosts perverted sexxx drag queen shows.
“Yay Brick Road Coffee!!”? Let’s put all this together. Brick Road Coffee is a Tempe restaurant which caters to the gay community. That is great for the L and G coffee drinkers, but behind the facade the owners have partnered with Drag Queen Story Hour Arizona. In other words, Senator Mitzi Epstein and anti-education advocate Beth Lewis support sexualizing children. Isn’t it strange suburban women get off on men masquerading as creepy, barely dressed women who “perform” for children and call it “story hour”? And they support child mutilation. Remember way back when Americans were horrified to learn female genital mutilation was still occurring in some cultures? Is child mutilation now acceptable because Save Our Schools Arizona, the National Education Association (NEA), Arizona Education Association (AEA), and most Arizona school superintendents and governing boards support it? Or was the transgender communuity crafty by locking arms with gays so as to avoid criticism? Once the T is criticized in LGBTQ+++, all members are criticized.
Surely this marketing tool will be handy on Tuesday night at the Tempe Development Review Commission. Brick Road Coffee has requested a permit to allow “live entertainment” and so far the commission is leaning towards approval.
Look how the Brick Road groomers focus on the potential noise level for neighboring residents, not the parading of sexual deviants in front of children.
The ties with Satan have never been more clear. Recently the Satanic Temple had its conference in Boston. This report by Courthouse News Service noted the large LGBTQ presence at the devil’s conference. Here are a few screenshots.
Where have we seen names being changed? Oh yes, Scottsdale Unified School District, without parental consent.
It makes sense many of the satanic attendees are LGBTQ+++. Satan is the father of lies and deceit. The only way adults can sell genetic mutilation and permanent sterilization to children is through lies and deceit. Is this why Higley School District is hiding its Gender Sexuality Alliance Club from parents? Watch for satanic materials like this in schools using the LGBTQ associations as vessels for distribution.
The Satanic Conference is giving parents their playbook:
He looks nice. Imagine a visit to the kindergarten class by this dude.
Of course there is abortion, Satan’s and the Democrats’ favorite religious sacrament, taking it right to kids.
Speaking of abortion rights, here is a great synopsis of what is really happening in the childrens’ gender transition arena. Much of the mental health chatter at schools is a deliberate attempt to lead children to the LGBTQ community, especially the T because there is much money to be made. Where there is an opportunity to make money, especially when dismembering children is involved, we can find Planned Parenthood.
Is any of this enough for Mitzi Epstein and her Democrat colleagues at the Arizona Legislature to renounce their support of Planned Parenthood? Is it enough for them to turn down campaign dollars from Planned Parenthood and its many, many allies? Local district superintendents and governing board members, do you still think the transgender alliance clubs and organizations are okay? Will you protect children in your districts from Satan’s influence or do the NEA and AEA scare you more than Satan does? Keep this video in mind as you ponder whether you choose to protect children or protect Transgender and Drag Queens.
The media often reports the Christian community threatens liberal governing board members (while providing no details or police reports). Any explanation for the behavior in this video at the Nebraska State Capitol when a bill to ban transgender surgeries for minors was being heard? These are your people Beth Lewis and Mitzi Epstein.
Republicans, you are not off the hook. All of you who are upset that you can’t sit in front of the television and cheer on Tucker Carlson anymore, you can be doing something. There is a local governing board meeting almost every night somewhere in Arizona. Look at your schedule and pick a district. No district is safe from the satanic transgender influence. Men especially, cowboy up, and get to those meetings and defend children. Your soy counterparts on the Left can make time; maybe their primetime news lineups aren’t as hypnotic as Fox News so they actually use their evenings for action. Any husband who says he can’t get involved to protect his kids because his wife won’t let him and he doesn’t want to upset the school, that was Adam’s approach. You know where it got him. Men, you will have to explain on your last day why Planned Parenthood neutered you even though you never entered one of their clinics.
Arizona Legislative Districts 8 and 12, Brick Road Coffee trans shows are officially coming to your neighborhood. Where is the All Hands on Deck? Where is the AZGOP? These are winning issues, but Republicans are afraid to speak up because someone in their family is gay. See how it works? Our sitting state representatives from both LDs 8 and 12 do not want armed safety officers in schools, but they do accept sexual perverts parading around local children. Do you? Or will you attend the Tempe Development Commission meeting on May 23rd and oppose Brick Road Coffee’s plans?