One of the good things that happens when schools step out of bounds is parents and taxpayers in the community feel the need to start attending their local school board meetings to get up to speed on what is going on. This is true in Chandler. Lately their board meetings have been pretty well-attended in comparison to many other school districts. Chandler Unified is a large, growing school districts that has always had a good reputation. Many well-educated parents choose to live in Chandler so their academic expectations are high.
When word got out Chandler was embracing Corwin’s Deep Equity curriculum, which in a nutshell replaces academic time with racially divisive, unhealthy curriculum, parents became vocal at school board meetings. As of late December, Corwin’s expensive curriculum has been shelved. Thank you to Superintendent Camille Casteel for her foresight.
Around the same time, it was announced Chandler Unified’s 5th and 6th grade parents will be given sex ed curriculum to teach their own children. Another smart move by Superintendent Casteel, but it set off fireworks over the district’s Christmas vacation. Due to the fact that a high ranking Arizona Planned Parenthood employee has a sister on Chandler’s Governing Board, many parents do not trust what the future may be for sex ed in Chandler.
Because Planned Parenthood’s allies sent in reinforcements to speak during public comment on December 4, 2019, a similar scenario is expected for Chandler’s next meeting on January 8, 2020. We are asking those in the community who are not comfortable with any of Planned Parenthood’s comprehensive sex ed curricula (the names vary so the public doesn’t know Planned Parenthood had anything to do with producing the curriculum) to come and either speak during public comment or support those who do. At this point, there is no agenda item posted that sex ed will be visited by the district. However, a new Governing Board president and vice-president will be named and this is important moving forward. Currently citizen comments are not scheduled until around 8:40PM, but that can change.
Be aware that anyone who supports keeping the current abstinence-based curriculum may be called names. See this tweet by Chandler Unified’s Board member Lindsay Love, whose sister solicits for Planned Parenthood$.
Ms. Chandler Unified Love must be using Common Core math. Of the accounts she accused of being parodies, only one actually is. She also responded to us last week, so why would she respond to a parody account? Additionally, because Ms. Chandler Unified Love isn’t currently able to adopt overpriced, biased Corwin’s Deep Equity and Planned Parenthood’s seXXX ed, she tagged the loathsome Southern Poverty Law Center. Local parents must be doing something right.
This tweet is typical of the elitist, entitled attitude from many of our elected representatives in all levels of government:
We are betting Ms. Chandler Unified Love won’t be listening to public comment, so anyone who is nervous about speaking, no worries, she’s not listening. Maybe the other board members will.
It is strange that trying to protect children from obscenity while respecting the rights of parents to educate their own children in sensitive matters indicates we are racist. Ms. Chandler Unified Lindsay Love has proven she has no facts to back up her statements.